Croptracker - Blog

Croptracker’s Harvest Quality Vision (HQV) has been successfully scanning apples, oranges, peaches, nectarines and other similarly shaped orchard fruit to gather size and color data since its launch 4 years ago. We are now proud to announce HQV can scan pears and irregularly shaped fruit with the same high level of accuracy!

Many Agtech startups use remote sensing technology for a variety of farming applications. The use of drones and airplanes is becoming more common to provide field-level analysis. As is using globally available satellite data for large-scale analysis. Satellite data can also be combined with field information to create a complete picture of what's happening on the ground.

Croptracker offers easy to use labor tracking reports that are included with the Work Crew Activity and Labour Tracking module.

The quality of your fruit is the most important factor in getting paid. The right size and quality to the right buyer will get you the best price for your hard work.